Monday, February 2, 2009

I Vant Your Vlood! WoD MMOG Coming Out?

I recieved a message on YM this morning from the Greasybull telling me that White-Wolf is coming out with a World of Darkness Online RPG. Maybe if It were five years ago, I wouldve have been either screaming uncontrollably like a little bitch for Robbie Rosa or just flat out fainted from the excitement but no, times have changed and my opinion about White-wolf's New WOD just barely crosses the border of apathy.

But Still.

Thoughts of coteries/packs of Vampires or a Sept of Garou running around town doing instances did have it's appeal. So I just went ahead and Googled the thing. Turns out that Iceland based game developer CCP, the same company that brought us EVE Online (whoop de fuckin do) has acquired White Wolf. So one site has this:

Greetings from the EVE Online fan fest in Reykjavik, Iceland. CCP's CEO Hilmar Pétursson just announced that his company is merging with White Wolf — the U.S. company behind Vampire: The Masquerade role-playing game and the whole World of Darnkess series of IP. Mike Tinney, the president of White Wolf and the soon-to-be leader of CCP North America made an appearance to bless the alliance.

The possibilities this opens up for the new company are two-fold: 1) taking successful White Wolf properties and turning them into massively-multiplayer games; and 2) leveraging EVE Online IP outside the MMO genre. A World of Darnkess MMO is apparently already being planned. Tinney on ther other hand said he is looking forward to using EVE IP in pen-and-paper role-playing games, strategy games, card games, miniatures, collectibles, novels, and comic books.

EVE Online has already been branched into a collectible card game and a novel. Pétursson says the merge will allow the original team to concentrate on the MMO. The merger has apparently been prepared for a year now.

Turns out that this piece of news is almost three years old. In any case, rumors also has it that the release for this MMO is expected to be on 2010. Im sure CCP can pull this off and probably, at best, gain a cult following for the game. I on the other hand, couldn't care any less. I just dont know why. IF this were Exalted the MMO then it would be an entirely different matter. Nah, I just couldnt really muster enough enthusiasm about this one.

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